Special Sessions & Workshops
Please send your special session / workshop proposals to Dr Nikolić anikolic@ieent.org or Dr Maheri alireza.maheri@northumbria.ac.uk with "EFEA 2016 Special Session/Workshop" as the subject of your email.
Special Sessions
- Predictive Control for Power Converters and Drives
Organized by:
Prof. Marco Rivera, Universidad de Talca, Chile, Email: marcoriv@utalca.cl
Prof. Jose Rodriguez, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile, Email: jose.rodriguez@unab.cl
Prof. Davood A. Khaburi, Iran University of Science and Technology, Email: khaburi@iust.ac.ir
Prof. S. Alireza Davari, Shahid Rajaee Teachers Training University Iran, Email: davari@srttu.edu
Call for PapersAuthors of selected papers presented at this special session will be invited to prepare an extended version of their paper for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
- Power Electronics for Smart Grids
Organized by:
Prof. Marco Rivera, Universidad de Talca, Chile, Email: marcoriv@utalca.cl
Prof. Patrick Wheeler, University of Nottingham, UK, Email: Pat.Wheeler@nottingham.ac.uk
Prof. Luis Morán, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, Email: lmoran@udec.cl
Call for Papers
- Control Strategies of Impedance Source Inverter (ZSI) and their Modified and Improved Topologies for ZSI Renewable Energy Grid-connected Systems Applications
Organized by:
Dr. Kouzou Abdellah, LAADI laboratory, Djelfa Universit, Algeria, Email: kouzouabdellah@ieee.org
Dr. Hafaifa Ahmed, LAADI laboratory, Djelfa Universit, Algeria, Email: hafaifa.ahmed.dz@ieee.org
Prof. Abu-Rub Haitham, Texas A &M University at Doha, Qatar, Email: haitham.abu-rub@qatar.tamu.edu
Dr. Omar Ellabban, Texas A &M University at Doha, Qatar, Email: omar.ellabban@qatar.tamu.edu
Call for Papers - Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency Improvements in Industrial Applications
Organized by:
Prof. Dr Mirjana Stamenic, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Email: mstamenic@mas.bg.ac.rs
Prof. Dr Goran Jankes, Innovation Center, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Email: gjankes@mas.bg.ac.rs
Dr Nikola Tanasic, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Email: ntanasic@mas.bg.ac.rs
Dr Aleksandar Nikolic, University of Belgrade, Electrical Engineering Institute Nikola Tesla, Email: anikolic@ieent.org
Call for Papers