EFEA 2016EFEA 2016
EFEA 2016 and MEDO 2016 Exhibition


Organising Multidisciplinary Engineering Design Optimization MEDO 2016 and Environment-Friendly Energies and Applications EFEA 2016 conferences simultaneously provides industry with an excellent opportunity for trade exhibition and interacting with a broad research community and end-users.

For more information please contact Symposium secretary BBN Congress Management Agency by sending emails to bbn@bbn.co.rs or bbn.pco@gmail.com with "EFEA/MEDO Exhibition" as the subject of your email, or via telephone and fax:
Phone: +381 (0)11 / 3629405, 2682318, 3629402
Mob: +381 (0) 63 / 368594
Fax: +381 (0)11 / 3629406